Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hurricanes, Fires and Floods

In the past, people have wondered why I encourage people to stock up on long-term storage food, water filters, and emergency supplies.  Now people are realizing that doing so could be wisdom.

Thrive Life offers delicious food, individually packaged foods as well as complete meals, which have a 25 year closed shelf life (meals have a 7 year shelf life).  

In a disaster situation such as we are seeing in Florida with Hurricane Irma, people have time to evacuate.  It's easy when you have your food storage ready to go in plastic bins or backpacks or go bags, OR, if you are battening down the hatches, you have it in your house, ready to be used.  Even if the cans get wet from flood waters, they are sealed so that the food inside is not ruined.  Many of the foods can be eaten "as is"....fruits and veggies....and things like meats are already precooked and simply need to be rehydrated with some water and heated.  

Wouldn't it be wonderful not to have to RUN to the store before a storm?  I know someone who raced to the store and found nothing available.  When you have Thrive Life foods ALREADY in your home, you can focus on other more important things like getting your home ready to withstand the storm, or even packing up to leave without having to worry about "where are we going to stop to get some food?"

Finally, for all of you WONDERFUL people who are opening your homes to those displaced or evacuating, having Thrive Life on hand saves you time, money and energy because when they show up at your door, you simply pull your food storage off your shelves and serve up a nutritious, delicious meal!

Visit my website HERE to see what we have to offer!  I just heard from a friend of mine in Florida that her husband is SO thankful that his "prepper wife" prepped for their family!