Tuesday, October 30, 2012

East Coast Hurricane Disaster and Thrive

I watched with great concern and sadness this morning as news channels reported on the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy on the east coast.  

First and foremost, my prayers are with those who have lost loved ones as well as possessions.  I pray the body of Christ comes around everyone in need like never before.

It is said that people could be without power for 7-10 days.  Indeed, this is a crisis situation.  No power means no electricity, which means refrigerators and freezers will need to stay closed for a few days in order to preserve any food people may have had in them.  Freezers can keep things cold for about 3 days...then a person needs to start eating what is in them.  It's for situations just like this that Shelf Reliance and Thrive Foods has come on the scene.  An ounce of preparation can reduce stress and provide food and sustenance for days!

Now, let's imagine:  what if the millions of people out of power on the east coast had, during the calm time, taken the time to order enough freeze-dried food for their families to cover them for a month?  What if those people had gotten some water bricks from Shelf Reliance and stacked them in closets months ago? What if those people had gotten hand crank flashlights and other emergency items? Here's what the result would have been:  they would have food and water on hand that would be healthy, easy, and they would have one less stressor in their lives.  They could easily provide for their families for these next days and weeks while focusing on other things like cleaning up.  

My prayer in all of this is that we would ALL learn from this so-called Frankenstorm and take time NOW to prepare.  Follow this CRUCIAL LINK TO MY WEBSITE and get started TODAY on your preparations for times like these.  

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