Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Do you eat food?

You may laugh reading this blog post, but I'm serious.  Do you eat food?  

Here's my follow-up question:  How much food do you throw out in a month because it has gone bad in your fridge or expired on the shelf?

If you are an average American, you throw out 25% every year!  If that doesn't make you sit up and read further, maybe being more specific will...it did me:

Monthly food budget:  $400
Average amount tossed out:  $100

LOSS:  $100/month X 12 = $1200/year!

So, essentially, the average American household is flushing $1200 down the drain or tossing it in the garbage, and quite needlessly. If you simply redirected that amount of money toward THRIVE FOODS....LINK HERE then you would be doing 3 things:

1.  Saving money on your food budget.
2.  Eating healthy, non-GMO foods.
3.  Saving time because of not running to the store so often.

Click on the link above or right here:  http://www.shelfreliance.com/ArdenCz3 and get started today!

Oh, plus, there's the added bonus that you could become a consultant yourself and earn income.  Can you say it's a win-win situation?  

Why am I blogging about this on my personal blog?  Because I believe it in so strongly, and I am hoping to start my friends and blog readers on a path to healthier living and eating!  Eventually, I'll have a THRIVE blog, but for now, click, browse the site, contact me, or just go ahead and place an order.  My initial suggestions for those who may be skeptical are to order the following:

1.  Pantry size can of instant milk.  (Run a blind taste test with your family and see if they can tell the difference)
2.  Pantry size can of whole egg powder.  (No more running to the store to get eggs for that recipe)
3.  Pantry size can of any fruit that you love...try them dry and then try them rehydrated.  My personal favorite is the blueberries!
4.  Any of the THRIVE EXPRESS meals...very quick, no preservatives, non-GMO, and GREAT for busy families!

What better time than now to give it a try?  What will you lose?  Nothing!  What will you gain?  Health, time, and savings on many levels!  Have fun and begin your THRIVING LIFE!

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