Monday, June 11, 2012

Introduction to A Thriving Kingdom

My name is Arden Czaszewicz, and I am very excited to be starting this new blog for all those blog readers out there who love to eat healthy foods, and who want to be wise about living, saving money, and having a well-prepared home.

As an introduction, I will tell you how I got involved with Shelf Reliance and Thrive Foods.  I love to eat healthy, non-GMO foods, I dislike shopping, and I found that foods in the stores were becoming increasingly tasteless and full of hormones and God only knows whatever else they put in foods these days.  In addition, I wanted to be a blessing to those around me if they were/are ever in need, and be a blessing to my own family if we ever hit bumps in the road either financially or otherwise.  Everyone needs food, water and shelter, and when I was introduced to Shelf Reliance, I was sold immediately.  This is a company whose time has come and a product I so strongly believe in that I don't even need to "sell" it; once people taste the food, read about the nutritional quality of it, and see that their picky children are gobbling it up, and they are no longer throwing out old food from the refrigerator, it sells itself.  

Quite honestly, I am not a salesperson.  I got in this business to get good, healthy food for me and my husband to eat on a daily basis and have some long-term storage as well, and to get some emergency products for our home for those power outages, etc.  The residual income from the business side of it is nice, and it's up to me what I want to make of it.

That's enough background on me and how I got involved...if you want to know more, please feel free to contact me!  So, why am I blogging about it?  Because I want others to eat healthier foods, have the opportunity to save money, and if they so choose, make money by being an independent consultant.  I plan to blog about ways I've used the products, post recipes, let you all know about specials on products, and give you a LINK to my website where you can spend as much time as you want perusing products and making your own purchases on YOUR budget, YOUR time, with YOUR families' needs in mind.  So, stay tuned here for blog posts that will be helpful to you, I hope, and let's begin building our Thriving lives together!

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